PermalinkWho am I?
I'm a person who loves to surf the internet and am willing to explore social networking sites and blogging platforms. There I found Peerlist.
PermalinkAbout Peerlist
Professional platform for techies, job seekers, and recruiters where you can connect with them and find your place where you want to be.
The data on your work profiles are bewildered, difficult to come by, and generally scattered across the web.
This makes it challenging for your partners and spotters to recognize and decipher you. Peerlist simplifies it by permitting you to fabricate a solitary, significant work profile
Quite Interesting. Right?
PermalinkWhat's up next?
I've started using Peerlist for the past few months. I would say, it is one of the emerging platforms for professionals to show their work, talent, and knowledge that they possess.
Permalink2K kids be like(Including us 🤭):
Needless to say, preparing a resume is a monotonous task and the current generation feels exhausted to build a resume for themselves.
In the future, I believe, they will simply share, "Hey, this is my My Peerlist Profile and you can find my skills and don't hesitate to ring me If I'm eligible for this job opening"
Because when comes to learning, we are putting tons of effort and invest hours and hours of time in order to explore many things only to gain knowledge and gain experience.
PermalinkWho knows it on earth?
Peerlist may become the one of leading professional networks for techies, recruiters, and budding newbies in the world.
I presume, Peerlist is the right place for every one of us.
PermalinkMy thoughts on Peerlist:
1) Profile==> Portfolio feature is one of the best features that I can find on Peerlist
The one place to display/showcase your Blogs(Medium, Hashnode), Work(Dribbble), work(GitHub), and My Projects
2) Analytics ==> Profile Visit
The feature displays your profile visitors in the last 180 days and can provide additional trends and insights about viewers.
You may get to know that, you're growing professionally and your posts are getting noticed across the Peerlist network
PermalinkWhat is an Ideal Professional Network?
Observe Professional Etiquette:
As we are running in a fast-paced world, being a technical person I do not wanna spend time to watching anything irrelevant to my profession on Social Platforms.
Unlike other platforms, Peerlist is the one and only place where I can spend my every minute and get to know something(Job Postings, Blog posts, Finding and connecting with my peers).
Yes, there are other platforms doing the same whereas once you diverted from your wall (or) started watching something then there is no look back. You tend to waste your time unknowingly.
Here, I do not find anything irrelevant posts. So you have no other option only to carry some good learnings on Peerlist.
PermalinkPeerlist Enhancement to be :
1) Groups/Community:
Peerlist use can set up or join groups to discuss ideas and share industry news. This can be a great way to develop your professional network.
Peerlist groups can be a valuable source of information, ideas, and support. Share your knowledge with people in your groups, and they'll likely respond in kind.
2) Chat Messenger:
I prefer to have a dedicated messenger on Peerlist. So that, we can reach out to them directly and do not have to post comments explicitly
It is easier said than done but I can understand the work efforts and how much it requires and the workforce. You have come this far, it is a big achievement. Keep going.
Find me here on => My Peerlist Profile